Refocusing Our Mission


Barton and Megan in Tucson, AZ.

Barton and Megan- a powerhouse team.

This past week has been quite a learning experience for me. I have been focusing quite a bit on finding new projects for myself that have been full of excitement and possibility, but in doing so, there have been ways in which I have neglected our mission and work as a couple.

As both Megan and I are transitioning in the realms of work, it has been very easy for me to feel as though it is solely my responsibility to take on the task of finding contracts that will take us where we need to be financially. There have been so many opportunities and avenues that have been opening up for me in coaching that it has served to confirm that this new line of work is truly where I am meant to be. Yet, it is only half of our mission and purpose as a couple.

Megan has been absolutely incredible in supporting me through this new territory, and I want to thank her for this. The other evening, I returned home from training excited that I got home before her, and went straight to work believing that there would be time to check email before she got home. I got involved in writing someone at the same time she arrived and was unable to give her the support she needed at that moment. What came out was very interesting- I learned from her that I was not supporting her as well as I had originally thought. While it is vital that I continue to move forward into this new area, it is just as vital that I hold our vision for our work as a couple just as holy.

Prior to my recent effort to spearhead a new contract, we had been exploring ways in which her work in writing and wellness and my coaching could be paired to offer people greater opportunities to transform aspects of their own lives. In shifting my perspective back to one that is more balanced between my personal mission and the mission of us as a family, the possibilities become even greater. This excites me, and I notice that as I step into this, it only adds to the potential to serve others, as they need to be served. While it was difficult in the moment to hear the areas I was not honoring, I am grateful that it was brought to my attention so that we can move forward in a more holistic manner.

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One Response to Refocusing Our Mission

  1. Jingle says:

    fabulous stuff,
    Happy Writing!

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