Not Just an Ordinary Christmas

A snowy Christmas.

A snowy Christmas.

This Christmas, we had plans to travel to Atlanta, to see my family. It was the first time to see my dad’s side of the family for a long time, and I was so excited about traveling down. But sometimes the best plans fall by the side of the road. With snow threatening North Carolina, Barton & I decided to stay home.

Though, we did decide to kennel the dogs anyway- they needed to play with other dogs, and I- a much needed break from the pack of three- the ol’referee (Bear), the wild child (Basho) & the little one (Beowulf).

I had been pretty exhausted from the past couple of weeks & with a few powerhouse weeks coming up full of potential and possibilities as the new year begins, what I really needed was a break.

On the way home, we picked up a pile of firewood, and along with every other neighbor in town, hit the grocery store. Even the staff at the store was unprepared for the Christmas Eve mob.

Instead of driving seven hours to Atlanta, we plopped ourselves in front of the fireplace and I melted into a soft noodle. Is it pathetic to say that by 7:30pm Christmas Eve, Barton was pulling me off the sofa to go to bed? Christmas Day we had fun with friends at a Christmas Day party, and returned home full of laughter, smiles and way too much sugar.

Our Winter Holiday.

Our Winter Holiday.

The snow indeed came to The Triangle. My half-hearted efforts to shovel off the porch was even more delayed by Barton calling me to add another log to the fire. Today has been a movie day, and as Barton put it- a romantic get-a-way without getting away. Complete with fire, love by my side and looking out the windows at the snow-lined branches, it feels like Christmas.

Christmas was my mother’s favorite holiday, complete with many gifts to unwrap. Instead, I wrap my arms around Barton and am thankful for what we have in our lives. We experience challenges everyday, but we return to the love and life we have found with each other. It’s more than I can ask for.

I have been pulled off the sofa every so often- taking the camera for some pictures of the white fluff, and the short trips outdoors- to push the Camilla bush off the ramp, a few snapshots and a breath of snow-filled air, and while Barton laughs at my need to organize and clean, I will return to my spot on the sofa in front of the fire.

Tomorrow we will wade through the snow soaked roads for a list of errands and to pick up the pack, and hopefully by then the roadways will be clearer, and we’ll be ready for the challenge.

Merry Christmas everyone- we hope your Christmas or winter celebration was filled with family, friends and love!



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3 Responses to Not Just an Ordinary Christmas

  1. Wilma Mack says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I know you don’t know me but I ran across your blog awhile back and I enjoy it very much. I get a kick out of reading about some of the fixes you guys get into. :)

    Barton, I thought you looked familiar to me and then I read that you used to live in Tucson. We live in Tucson so I have a feeling we’ve crossed paths at some point or other.

    Anyway, I hope the New Year brings good things for both of you.

    Best wishes,


  2. Christine says:

    You guys seem like a beautiful couple… I am recently engaged to a wonderful man who also has cp… We are faced with many of the same questions and comments from even my dearest friends and family… I am blessed by my shawn’s love… Especially since I lost my dear young mother… My best friend a few weeks ago! Merry christmas with love… Christine

    • loverollson says:

      Thank you for reading our post. My mom passed away in 2001, and sadly never met Barton, though I know she blessed us from above. It took a while for our families to come around, but my father is now one of our best supporters, though we still face challenges (what couple does not?). Many blessings as you begin your journey together. Would love to keep in touch-
      Warmly (or stay warm as the case may be)

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