Catching Up With the Wheels

Most people see me sitting on Barton’s lap as we zip through our neighborhood as we’re headed off to a meeting, dinner or just to walk the dogs. However, I actually have been walking or running beside Barton lately.

Since we’ve gotten back from Alabama, Barton and I have been carving out more time for exercise and personal time. We’re so busy with so many different types of projects going on at one time, it’s easy to let time slip away- I’m too busy. And indeed, it’s a challenge to find time during the day to get everything accomplished for the day or week.

The last week, it’s been so wonderful to walk with Barton during the day. Usually, he takes Bear and I walk Basho behind them. Barton’s wheelchair can go much faster than I can walk or run, so he will do circles in the street until I catch up. It’s also a great opportunity to work on dog training. Basho wants to be up in the pack, always trying to 1-up Bear, so I work with him on heel and sit on our walk. I’m working up to running the whole route, but I’m not quite up there yet.

In addition, it’s great for me. I’ll work on either staying with Barton or he’ll get right behind me on my heels pushing me to go faster.  

On the weekends, Barton will get on the floor working on his own exercises or standing or walking. He has a special walker, and on a nice day, we’ll pull it out onto the back porch.  

Barton and I spend a lot of time together since we work together owning our own business. We definitely have different modes- work mode, relax mode and it’s been wonderful to spend this time with Barton getting off of the computers, outside walking, enjoying each day.

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