Adoption Talk


Megan Playing in Cambridge.

Megan Playing in Cambridge.

When we were in Alabama, we started talking with a relative about our wishes to adopt, and this was the first conversation I had had where I wasn’t either embarrassed or felt like we had to justify ourselves. Adopting a baby is miraculous as having a baby biologically. Since then, we have been more open about adoption and bringing our community into the excitement of the adoption process, which can be quite a long process.


When my friends and co-workers first met Barton, they naturally assumed we couldn’t have children or be intimate (we’ll write a blog about those questions later). When we first started talking about adoption, many people questioned how we would manage and were very discouraging. For a long time, I believed them; shutting out the visions and dreams we had as a growing family. I see Barton just as excited as I am, and that makes me know that we must trust and follow our dreams no matter what others say.

We had to take a look at the support systems we were missing and figure out how to become connected with our local community, as we will need to use more local businesses and organizations to help us raise a child into an adult.

We are brainstorming about some local community fundraising events over the next year, so stay tuned as we invite our community into our adoption process!

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