Happy Anniversary! (from Megan)

This week, we traveled to Hatteras Island to celebrate our fifth year anniversary and had a true adventure of sun, storm, and wind! Our lives together have been an adventure, and it’s been amazing to think about how far we’ve come in only five years.

We’ve had our share of celebrations and challenges over the years including moving to North Carolina, buying a house, starting our own writing business, Barton’s surgery, challenges of growing our family, and speaking at conferences and events. I am so blessed to be with someone who truly lives life with a smile and an open heart.

I admit, I grew up with a more cautious outlook on life. As a very young child, I would look to what my mother or my father thought of what I was doing, remnants of challenges with their divorce. I would look to the approval of those in authority and held back.


Thinker on the Balcony

Thinker on the Balcony

Coming out of those old thought patterns, I am blessed to see how open Barton is, with all life experiences.


As an inter-ability couple, we’ve had many challenges along the way from people who thought we shouldn’t be married in the first place to a continual break down of stereotypes where a family member has a disability. But with laughter and a bit of perseverance, we have walked through many of those challenges.

We’ve also had many joys, from celebrating with Chinese eating on the floor of our first house to reading and speaking at many different conferences and events, we are always a part of something new and exciting. I am always amazed at the different projects we have worked on over the years.

A toast to the years to come and to the adventures ahead!

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