Waking Up to a Chatterbox

Barton and Megan after the wedding.

Barton and Megan after the wedding.

Last weekend, I was on my usual pattern of waking up early and getting up to get some work done before helping Barton get up. On the weekends, I try to let him sleep in, but this particular Sunday, I just couldn’t help myself.

As the dogs jumped on him to lick his face, Barton’s usual wake-up call, I was going a hundred miles a minute (and I hadn’t even had coffee yet). Stopping to listen to myself rattle off ideas and questions, I broke into a smile, and as I rattled on, I couldn’t help but laugh.

I get up early for several reasons. Part of it is because right now we don’t have help for Barton in the morning, and part of it is because it’s the most productive part of my day. Some of it is inherited, as my father will get up long before my stepmother. The writing flow just comes, and I have to pick up my pen.

So, I’ll wake up at four am and write for several hours before getting Barton out of bed. It’s also common for me to get into work mode, write emails, sort through projects and get writing deadlines out of the way. I’ll also take care of house duties early in the morning, too, but I think this is more because I’ll get interrupted at any other point during the day. Barton doesn’t realize that by the time I get him up, I’ve planned the entire day of who is going where, how we are getting there and what we need for both of us during the day.

On the other hand, Barton does not wake up bright-eyed. Instead, it takes him a full half and hour to even open his eyes all the way, and don’t try talking to him before then either, because you won’t get any response.

The main consequence to this morning schedule is Barton’s ears because I am in full work, writing or project mode by the time I get him out of bed.

Since I heard myself rattling off projects, ideas and lists of things to do, I have worked on being more conscious about not overwhelming Barton before he gets out of bed… but you’ll have to talk to Barton to see if that’s actually the truth.

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