Moving Each Other Forward with Patience and Inspiration


Enjoying each other at a family wedding.

Patient is not how I would normally describe Barton, or myself for that matter- our families are not well versed in patience either. What happens when you have two very stubborn and impatient people who are married to each other? Some pretty stupid arguments over nothing at all, might be a good description. But last week, I saw another side of Barton.

Last week was a particularly busy week as I was teaching a writing and storytelling class to youth with disabilities, in addition to working on writing projects. While there were a few times of getting overwhelmed with a flurry of calls and emails that had to be put aside for the moment, I juggled teaching, work, writing and home as best as I could.

Barton was absolutely wonderful and completely patient all week! From figuring out logistics with the schedule to compiling a list of what he needed all at once. Instead of overwhelming me with more tasks, we consolidated items, let some things be as they were and prioritized what needed to be done.

Many people are able to see how I help Barton, as much of it is physically. However, the ways in which Barton supports me are not so visible to other people outside of our relationship. But that does not mean the ways in which he supports me are not there.

I am honored that the relationship with Barton has grown to an encouraging and positive place, particularly over this last year. We have discovered our strengths and faults, and have found ways to blend our individual visions together, acknowledging each other in the process. There have been times where we haven’t been so supportive of each other, and I am so grateful that we have moved beyond that place to really coming together to support each other in our work and our visions.

To feel fully supported by my husband is incredible. Just today, when we felt the energy wane during the day, I encouraged Barton to work on a project that needed attention. It wasn’t about being degrading or meant to make him feel guilty that it wasn’t getting done, instead it was to acknowledge the importance of the project, spur him on, to encourage him to move forward in its vision and intention.

Immediately, we both felt motivated and inspired to continue on in our work.

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