Inclusion Over the Holidays

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

This Christmas, we travelled down to see my family in Atlanta, GA. We had tried to travel for Christmas several years ago, but had to cancel because of a snowstorm that brought 8 inches of snow to NC. Sadly, when we did get to see my family for the weekend that February, our puppy got very sick while we were away and we had to put him down before arriving home. I cried the entire weekend.

So it was wonderful to be able to see family over Christmas without the drama of some big event. Although, we did delay our travel home by a day because of the storm front moving across the Southeast.

When we travel, I do help Barton a bit more, because we are out of our normal routine. What I loved, in particular, over this Christmas was how my dad was able to see Barton taking care of me as well. When I had a down moment of sadness (I tend to remember my mother most around Christmas time and can feel a little out of place), I sat on Barton’s lap. He rubbed by back and smiled, which helped me to let the moment pass.

And we were included in the fun, where my brother tricked my dad with a new phone. Of course, the one hour when my dad’s phone wasn’t working, and he lost it. So he started calling it to find it, but my brother had just made the switch of new phones, so his old phone wouldn’t work. We were accomplices, covering up my brother’s tracks, but because Barton especially has a tendency to laugh, a dead giveaway to any secret, we ended up quickly heading to bed.

I knew dad would be up all night. Taking after him, I too become really anxious when I lose my phone, keys… Christmas morning he had found his old phone but had now realized it wasn’t working. So he was still trying to figure it out. Finally we had to let him in. To see my dad’s surprise when he found his new phone ringing above the fireplace was priceless.

Returning home, we felt a sense of relaxation and the excitement of moving forward with our book release this next year. In the car, the conversation revolved around putting pieces together, before we settled into a contented silence.

As the new year approaches, we are so hopeful about the book release, possibilities of work and service, and moving forward on dreams we still have for our family.

Many wishes for a warm and blessed holiday!!




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